The Driftless flèche
May 30 @ 4:00 pm - May 31 @ 4:00 pm
$25.00The first ever flèche in the Driftless!
Here’s your opportunity to be a route designer! The flèche is a team event made up of no fewer than 3 but no more than 5 bikes (note that a tandem counts as a single bike) with at least 3 finishers from the team in order to get credit. A brief overview of the rules:
- Teams ride for 24 hours.
- Each team must ride a minimum of 360 km with no more than 2 hours stopped in a single location.
- Teams develop their own route which arrives at the designated finish location no later than 24 hours after the official brevet start.
- A minimum of 25 km must be ridden in the last two hours of the event. Teams must present documentation (receipt, time stamped photo showing the location) as proof they rode at least 25 km in the last two hours.
- Complete rules are here.
Our finish location is Vintage Brewing, 600 Water St, Sauk City.
Here are a few other details:
- The recommended hotel is the Cedarberry Inn, 855 Phillips Blvd, Sauk City, WI. Telephone for reservations (608)-643-6625.
- Alternate hotel is the Holiday Inn Express, 747 Phillips Blvd, Sauk City. Telephone (608)-370-8002
- Of course we’ll have a post ride celebration at Vintage Brewing to talk about our rides and how great we are!
- We’ll meet for breakfast on Sunday at the Spring Green General Store, 137 South Albany St, Spring Green. We’ll work out a time later. Note that the General Store is roughly a 25 minute drive from Sauk City.
- Teams should identify a team captain who will be responsible for providing proof of passage for the team. Each team must develop its own route. Traditionally, a flèche route is point-to-point but loop routes are also acceptable if desired to simplify logistics. Routes must be submitted to me no later than 30 days prior to the event – no exceptions!
The flèche is my favorite randonneuring event – get a few of your friends together and find out why!
To register for this event:
- Click on the link below to complete a waiver.
- After completing the waiver you’ll be taken to PayPal (note that a PayPal account is not required)
Note that there will be no day of ride registration – advance registration is mandatory!
Your registration is not complete until your completed waiver and PayPal payment is received.
If you’ve registered and want to cancel, please go to this page to cancel